1 Seal Bay, Alaska USA
Airports: SYBУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > Seal Bay, Alaska USA
2 обыкновенный тюлень
1) Biology: bay seal (Phoca vitulina), common seal, common seal (Phoca vitulina), earless seal, earless seal (Phoca vitulina), harbor seal (Phoca vitulina), larga seal (Phoca vitulina), sand seal (Phoca vitulina), sea calf (Phoca vitulina), sea dog (Phoca vitulina), true seal (Phoca vitulina)2) Marine science: common seal (Phaca vitulina L.), harbour seal (Phaca vitulina L.)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > обыкновенный тюлень
3 ларга
1) Biology: bay seal (Phoca vitulina), common seal (Phoca vitulina), earless seal (Phoca vitulina), harbor seal (Phoca vitulina), larga seal (Phoca vitulina), sand seal (Phoca vitulina), sea calf (Phoca vitulina), sea dog (Phoca vitulina), true seal (Phoca vitulina)2) Fishery: Phoca largha, harbour seal (Phoca vitulina largha), largha seal, spotted seal -
4 zona
f.1 zone, area (espacio).¿vives por la zona? do you live around here? (por aquí)ésta es la zona de copas de la ciudad this is the center of the city's nightlifezona de carga y descarga loading bayzona catastrófica disaster areazona comercial shopping areazona erógena erogenous zonezona de exclusión exclusion zonezona euro euro zonezona de guerra war zonezona de libre comercio free-trade zonezona peatonal pedestrian precinctzona residencial residential area2 key.3 zona.* * *1 area2 (fronteriza, militar) zone\zona azul parking meter zonezona edificada built-up areazona fronteriza border zonezona glacial frigid zonezona templada temperate zonezona tórrida torrid zonezona verde green zone* * *noun f.area, district, zone* * *SF1) [en país, región] arealas zonas más ricas/remotas/deprimidas del país — the richest/remotest/most depressed areas o parts of the country
la zona norte/sur/este/oeste de la isla — the northern/southern/eastern/western part of the island
comimos en uno de los restaurantes típicos de la zona — we ate in a restaurant typical of the area, we ate in a typical local restaurant
zona de conflicto — (Mil) conflict zone
zona de libre comercio — free-trade zone, free-trade area
zona de peligro — danger zone, danger area
zona fronteriza — [gen] border area; (Mil) border zone
zona militar — military zone, military area
2) [en ciudad] area•
zona de copas, ¿dónde está la zona de copas? — where do people go out to drink?zona marginada — CAm slum area
3) [en edificio, recinto] areazona ancha — (Dep) midfield
zona de castigo — (Dep) sin bin
zona de penumbra, zona de sombra — (lit) shaded area; (fig) area of secrecy
zona oscura, las zonas oscuras de la personalidad — the hidden areas of the personality
las zonas oscuras de la política — the shady o murky areas of politics
4) (Geog) zone5) (Anat, Med) area6) (Baloncesto) free-zone lane* * *1) (área, región) area2) ( en baloncesto) free-throw lane, three-second area* * *= area, zone, bit, radius, area, service area, tract.Ex. The area in which standards for bibliographic description have had the most impact is in catalogues and catalogue record data bases.Ex. But now the traditional industrial zone is declining and a new 'technopolis' is proposed for the area.Ex. The assistant in charge of a section will see that their bit is kept tidy and will keep an eye open for thieves.Ex. The fact that the library can only attract people within a relatively small radius means that it has no alternative but to serve whoever lives -- or works -- in that radius.Ex. Libraries usually arrange separate areas where current periodicals, maps, government publications, early printed books and manuscripts are housed.Ex. The study examined the relative use of different service areas of the library = El estudio analizó al uso relativo de las diferentes zonas de la biblioteca.Ex. Protecting the remaining large tracts of tropical forests is not a financially impossible task.----* biblioteca de la zona ártica = arctic library.* biblioteca de zona rural = rural library.* ciencia de las zonas polares = polar science.* de la zona de entre mareas = intertidal.* dividir en zonas = zone.* en la zona de = in the land of.* en + Posesivo + zona = in + Posesivo + neck of the woods.* ser zona prohibida = be off limits.* una zona de = a stretch of.* usar sobre la zona afectada = use + topically.* zona abierta = open area.* zona activa = hot spot.* zona alejada = reaches.* zona alveolar = alveolar region.* zona bélica = war zone.* zona béntica, la = benthic zone, the.* zona central = midsection [mid-section].* zona central de un Lugar = heartland.* zona cero = ground zero.* zona climática = climatic zone.* zona comercial = business district, shopping area, shopping district.* zona con aparatos electrónicos = equipment area.* zona con césped = grassy area.* zona costera = seafront, coastal area.* zona de amortiguamiento = buffer zone.* zona de aterrizaje = landing site, landing area, landing area.* sitio de aterrizaje = landing area.* zona de bienestar = comfort zone.* zona de captación = catchment area.* zona de carga = loading dock, loading bay.* zona de columpios y pistas deportivas = playground.* zona de comodidad = comfort zone.* zona de confort = comfort zone.* zona de cultivo del trigo = wheatbelt.* zona de descanso = rest area.* zona de desempleo = pocket of unemployment.* zona de estudio = study area, study facilities.* zona de exclusión aérea = no-fly zone.* zona de guerra = war zone.* zona del centro = midsection [mid-section].* zona del euro, la = euro zone, the, euro zone, the, euro area, the.* zona del interior = hinterland.* zona de los tres estados = tristate area.* zona de no fumadores = non-smoking area.* zona de ocio = leisure facilities.* zona de ocupación = zone of occupation, occupation zone.* zona de pasto = feeding ground, grazing area.* zona deprimida del centro de la ciudad = inner city.* zona de producción de trigo = wheatbelt.* zona de recogida de lo sobrante = overflow area.* zona de recreo = playground.* zona desnuclearizada = nuclear-free zone, nuclear-free.* zona despejada = open area.* zona de transición = buffer zone.* zona dolorida = sore point, sore spot.* zona entre mareas = intertidal zone.* zona geográfica = geographical area.* zona gris = grey area [gray area].* zona habitable = living area.* zona húmeda = wetland.* zona industrial = industrial area.* zona interior despoblada = backcountry.* zona junto a la playa = beachfront.* zona libre de humo = smoke-free zone, smoke-free area.* zona limítrofe = fringe area.* zona marginada = deprived area.* zona menos favorecida = less favoured area.* zona neutral = buffer zone.* zona pantanosa = marshland, marsh, marshy area, fen.* zona para casas móviles = mobile home park, trailer park.* zona para sentarse = seating area.* zona peligrosa = no-go area.* zona penumbrosa = twilight zone.* zona problemática = problem area.* zona prohibida = no-go area.* zona protegida = safe haven, safe harbour, protected area.* zona pública = public area.* zona residencial = residential area, suburban area, estate.* zona rural = country, rural area, hinterland, countryside, rural region.* zona sin cultivar = wildland.* zonas inhabitadas del interior = back country.* zonas más alejadas = outlying areas.* zonas salvajes del interior = back country.* zona suburbana = suburban area.* zona tampón = buffer zone.* zona tectónica = fault zone.* zona templada, la = temperate zone, the.* zona tórrida, la = torrid zone, the.* zona urbana = urban area.* zona verde = parkland area, grassy area.* * *1) (área, región) area2) ( en baloncesto) free-throw lane, three-second area* * *= area, zone, bit, radius, area, service area, tract.Ex: The area in which standards for bibliographic description have had the most impact is in catalogues and catalogue record data bases.
Ex: But now the traditional industrial zone is declining and a new 'technopolis' is proposed for the area.Ex: The assistant in charge of a section will see that their bit is kept tidy and will keep an eye open for thieves.Ex: The fact that the library can only attract people within a relatively small radius means that it has no alternative but to serve whoever lives -- or works -- in that radius.Ex: Libraries usually arrange separate areas where current periodicals, maps, government publications, early printed books and manuscripts are housed.Ex: The study examined the relative use of different service areas of the library = El estudio analizó al uso relativo de las diferentes zonas de la biblioteca.Ex: Protecting the remaining large tracts of tropical forests is not a financially impossible task.* biblioteca de la zona ártica = arctic library.* biblioteca de zona rural = rural library.* ciencia de las zonas polares = polar science.* de la zona de entre mareas = intertidal.* dividir en zonas = zone.* en la zona de = in the land of.* en + Posesivo + zona = in + Posesivo + neck of the woods.* ser zona prohibida = be off limits.* una zona de = a stretch of.* usar sobre la zona afectada = use + topically.* zona abierta = open area.* zona activa = hot spot.* zona alejada = reaches.* zona alveolar = alveolar region.* zona bélica = war zone.* zona béntica, la = benthic zone, the.* zona central = midsection [mid-section].* zona central de un Lugar = heartland.* zona cero = ground zero.* zona climática = climatic zone.* zona comercial = business district, shopping area, shopping district.* zona con aparatos electrónicos = equipment area.* zona con césped = grassy area.* zona costera = seafront, coastal area.* zona de amortiguamiento = buffer zone.* zona de aterrizaje = landing site, landing area, landing area.* sitio de aterrizaje = landing area.* zona de bienestar = comfort zone.* zona de captación = catchment area.* zona de carga = loading dock, loading bay.* zona de columpios y pistas deportivas = playground.* zona de comodidad = comfort zone.* zona de confort = comfort zone.* zona de cultivo del trigo = wheatbelt.* zona de descanso = rest area.* zona de desempleo = pocket of unemployment.* zona de estudio = study area, study facilities.* zona de exclusión aérea = no-fly zone.* zona de guerra = war zone.* zona del centro = midsection [mid-section].* zona del euro, la = euro zone, the, euro zone, the, euro area, the.* zona del interior = hinterland.* zona de los tres estados = tristate area.* zona de no fumadores = non-smoking area.* zona de ocio = leisure facilities.* zona de ocupación = zone of occupation, occupation zone.* zona de pasto = feeding ground, grazing area.* zona deprimida del centro de la ciudad = inner city.* zona de producción de trigo = wheatbelt.* zona de recogida de lo sobrante = overflow area.* zona de recreo = playground.* zona desnuclearizada = nuclear-free zone, nuclear-free.* zona despejada = open area.* zona de transición = buffer zone.* zona dolorida = sore point, sore spot.* zona entre mareas = intertidal zone.* zona geográfica = geographical area.* zona gris = grey area [gray area].* zona habitable = living area.* zona húmeda = wetland.* zona industrial = industrial area.* zona interior despoblada = backcountry.* zona junto a la playa = beachfront.* zona libre de humo = smoke-free zone, smoke-free area.* zona limítrofe = fringe area.* zona marginada = deprived area.* zona menos favorecida = less favoured area.* zona neutral = buffer zone.* zona pantanosa = marshland, marsh, marshy area, fen.* zona para casas móviles = mobile home park, trailer park.* zona para sentarse = seating area.* zona peligrosa = no-go area.* zona penumbrosa = twilight zone.* zona problemática = problem area.* zona prohibida = no-go area.* zona protegida = safe haven, safe harbour, protected area.* zona pública = public area.* zona residencial = residential area, suburban area, estate.* zona rural = country, rural area, hinterland, countryside, rural region.* zona sin cultivar = wildland.* zonas inhabitadas del interior = back country.* zonas más alejadas = outlying areas.* zonas salvajes del interior = back country.* zona suburbana = suburban area.* zona tampón = buffer zone.* zona tectónica = fault zone.* zona templada, la = temperate zone, the.* zona tórrida, la = torrid zone, the.* zona urbana = urban area.* zona verde = parkland area, grassy area.* * *A (área, región) area¿por qué zona viven? what area do they live in?en la zona fronteriza in the border area o zonezonas montañosas mountainous areas o regionspor esa zona no hay servicio de autobuses there is no bus service in that areafue declarada zona neutral it was declared a neutral zonezona de influencia sphere of influence[ S ] zona de carga y descarga loading and unloading onlyCompuestos:disaster areaground zerocommercial district, business quarter o areapenalty areacombat zone o areacrisis zoneboarding area( Esp) area of new developmentline of scrimmageexclusion zoneno-fly zonewar zonewar zonefree-trade zonemaximum security zone o areadanger area o zonetest site, testing grounddeparture lounge o areanuclear-free zone o areared-light districterogenous zoneeurozoneduty-free zoneindustrial park, industrial estate ( BrE)military zone o areanuclear-free zone o areabuffer zonepedestrian precinct o zone o area( AmL) (zona de prostitución) red-light district; ( Esp fam) (durante la guerra civil) Republican-held territory( Telec) dead zonebuffer zonetemperate zone o regiontropical zone o regionpark, green spaceB (en baloncesto) free-throw lane, three-second area* * *
zona sustantivo femenino
1 (área, región) area;
( on signs) zona de carga y descarga loading and unloading only;
zona de castigo penalty area;
zona industrial industrial park;
zona peatonal pedestrian precinct;
zona roja (AmL) ( zona de prostitución) red-light district;
zona verde park, green space;
zona cero ( en Nueva York) ground zero
2 ( en baloncesto) free-throw lane, three-second area
zona sustantivo femenino
1 zone
2 (de un territorio, gran extensión) area, region
zona de obras, work area
zona de operaciones, operational zone
zona militar, military zone
zona verde, park, green space
3 Dep zone
' zona' also found in these entries:
- antinuclear
- arrasar
- barrio
- cabaña
- ciudad
- comisionada
- comisionado
- concurrida
- concurrido
- construcción
- contingente
- deprimida
- deprimido
- desalojar
- este
- expolio
- franca
- franco
- francófona
- francófono
- glacial
- huerta
- milimétrica
- milimétrico
- oasis
- pacificar
- peinar
- peinada
- peinado
- rastrear
- rastreo
- riego
- sombra
- teatro
- urbanización
- vecindario
- vinícola
- apartado
- azucarero
- bajío
- cabezón
- campo
- carga
- cargue
- combate
- comercial
- concreto
- conflictivo
- desértico
- belt
- busing
- clearance
- coastal
- compound
- country
- danger area
- decline
- demonstrate
- disaster area
- enclose
- enclosure
- enter
- grey area
- industrial area
- local
- pedestrianize
- precinct
- scour
- seal off
- smokeless zone
- stricken
- testing ground
- unemployment
- waterfront
- well-known
- zone
- area code
- around
- canvass
- catchment area
- district
- diverse
- division
- extreme
- -free
- green
- ground
- high
- incoming
- industrial
- inner
- locally
- neighborhood
- no-fly zone
- off
- out
- pedestrian
- red
* * *zona nf1. [espacio, área] zone, area;una zona montañosa/turística a mountainous/tourist area;la zona norte/sur de la isla the northern/southern part of the island;en las zonas más aisladas/pobres in the most remote/poorest areas;¿vives por la zona? [por aquí] do you live around here?;ésta es la zona de copas de la ciudad this is the centre of the city's nightlifezona azul [de estacionamiento] restricted parking zone;zona catastrófica disaster area;zona cero [en Nueva York] ground zero;zona climática climatic zone;zona comercial shopping area;zona conflictiva trouble spot;zona de conflicto [en guerra] war zone, battle zone;zona edificada built-up area;zona erógena erogenous zone;zona euro euro zone;zona de exclusión exclusion zone;Com zona franca free-trade zone;zona de no fumadores no-smoking area;zona glacial glacial region;zona de guerra war zone;zona húmeda wetland area;zona intermareal intertidal zone;Meteo zona de inversión thermal o temperature inversion zone;zona de libre comercio free-trade zone;zona de marca [en rugby] in-goal area;zona militar military area o zone;Esp zona nacional [en la guerra] = the area controlled by Nationalist forces during the Spanish Civil War;zona peatonal pedestrian area o precinct;zona protegida [natural] conservation area;zona residencial residential area;zona roja Esp [en la guerra] = term used by Nationalists to refer to Republican-controlled areas during the Spanish Civil War;Am [de prostitución] red-light district;Zona Rosa [en México DF] = elegant tourist and shopping area in Mexico City;zona de seguridad [entre países] buffer zone;zona templada temperate zone;Am Anticuado zona de tolerancia red-light district;zona tórrida tropics, Espec torrid zone;zona de urgente reindustrialización = region given priority status for industrial investment, Br ≈ enterprise zone;zona verde [grande] park, green area;[pequeña] lawn2. [en baloncesto] [área] key3. [en baloncesto] [violación] three-seconds violation* * *f1 area, zone* * *zona nf: zone, district, area* * *zona n1. (área) area2. (militar, geográfica) zone -
5 salida
f.1 departure (partida).va a efectuar su salida it's about to depart2 start (sport).dar la salida a una carrera to start a racesalida nula false start3 exit, way out (place).¿dónde está la salida? where's the way out?salida de emergencia emergency exitsalida de humos air ventsalida de incendios fire exit4 trip (viaje).5 appearance (aparición) (de revista, nuevo modelo).a la salida del sol at sunriseesta llave regula la salida del agua this tap o (British) faucet controls the flow of water (United States)6 output (commerce) (producción).este producto no tiene salida there's no market for this product7 output (computing).8 way out.si no hay otra salida if there's no alternative9 witty remark (ocurrencia).tener salidas to be wittysalida de tono out-of-place remark10 departure gate.11 starting point, start.12 excursion, sally.13 computer output, output.14 exodus, exit.15 production.16 exitus, outlet.17 efflux.past part.past participle of spanish verb: salir.* * *1 (partida) departure2 (puerta etc) exit, way out4 (viaje corto) trip5 (de un astro) rising6 DEPORTE start7 COMERCIO outlet, market8 FINANZAS outlay, expenditure9 figurado (ocurrencia) witty remark, witticism10 figurado (escapatoria) solution, way out11 figurado (perspectiva) opening12 TÉCNICA outlet13 INFORMÁTICA output14 (en naipes) lead15 (parte que sobresale) projection\de salida from the startno tener otra salida figurado to have no other optiontener salida a to open on to, come out atsalida de artistas stage doorsalida de efectivo cash outflowsalida de emergencia emergency exitsalida de incendios fire exitsalida de tono unfortunate remark, improper remarksalida del sol sunrisesalida nula false start* * *noun f.1) exit2) departure3) way out4) witty remark•* * *SF1) [de un lugar]•
a la salida, te esperaremos a la salida — we'll wait for you on the way outhubo salida a hombros para el primero de los diestros — the first matador was carried out of the ring shoulder-high
dar salida a, el pasillo que da salida a la pista de tenis — the passageway which leads out (on)to the tennis courtnecesitaba dar salida a su creatividad — he needed to give expression to o find an outlet for his creativity
puerta de salida — exit door2) (=aparición)los fans esperaban su salida al escenario — the fans were waiting for her to come (out) onto the stage
tras la salida de los futbolistas al terreno de juego — after the footballers came/went out onto the pitch
3) (=lugar) [de edificio] exit, way out; [de autopista] exit, turn-off¿dónde está la salida? — where's the exit o the way out?
salida — [encima de la puerta] exit; [en el pasillo] way out, exit
tener salida a algo, nuestro edificio tiene salida a las dos calles — our building has access onto both streets4) [de avión, tren] departureel autobús efectuará su salida desde el andén número cuatro — the bus will depart from bay number four
después de la salida del tren — after the train leaves, after the departure of the train
5) (=escapada) [de viaje] trip; [de excursión] trip, outing; [por la noche] night out, evening outen mi primera salida al extranjero — on my first trip abroad, on my first foreign trip
me controlaban mucho las salidas por la noche — they kept tight control of my nights out o my going out at night
6) (=comienzo) [de carrera, desfile] startfuimos a ver la salida de la procesión — we went to see the start of the procession, we went to see the procession move off
los corredores estaban preparados para la salida — the runners were ready for the start (of the race)
Palmer tuvo una mala salida del tee — (Golf) Palmer played a poor tee shot
dar la salida — to give the starting signales el encargado de dar la salida a la carrera — he is the one who starts the race o gives the starting signal for the race
salida en falso, salida falsa — false start
parrilla 2)salida lanzada — running start, flying start
7) (Teat) [al entrar en escena] appearance; [para recibir aplausos] curtain-callhago una sola salida al principio de la obra — I only make one appearance at the beginning of the play
8) (=solución) solutionla única salida está en la negociación — the only way out is through negotiation, the only solution is to negotiate
buscan en la música una salida a sus frustraciones — they try to find an outlet for their frustration in music
no le quedaba otra salida que la dimisión — she had no alternative o option but to resign
9) [al hablar]hum¡qué buena salida! — that was a really witty comment!
¡vaya salidas de bombero que tuvo! — he dropped some real clangers! *
salida de tono, fue una salida de tono — it was inappropriate o uncalled-for
10) (Com) [de producto] launch•
dar salida a, dar salida a los excedentes agrícolas — to find an outlet for surplus produce•
tener salida — to sell welltener una salida fácil — to have a ready market, be a soft sell
11) (Econ) (=cargo) debit entry12) pl salidas [en el trabajo] openings, job opportunitiesesa carrera no tiene apenas salidas — there are very few openings o job opportunities for someone with that degree
13) (Téc) [de aire, gas, vapor] vent; [de agua] outlet14) (Inform) output15) (=prenda)salida de baño — Cono Sur [en casa] bathrobe; [en playa, piscina] beach robe
16) (Arquit) (=saliente) projection17) (Mil) [para el ataque] sortie18) (Naipes) lead* * *1) ( hacia el exterior)( lugar)a) (de edificio, lugar) exitb) ( de tubería) outlet, outflow; ( de circuito) outlet2)a) ( acción)el gobierno les ha negado la salida del país — the government has refused to allow them to leave the country
impedir la salida de divisas — to prevent currency being taken out of o leaving the country
b) ( como distracción)una salida al campo — an outing o a trip to the country
c) (de líquido, gas, electricidad) outputd)3) ( partida)(de tren, avión) departuresalidas nacionales/internacionales — domestic/international departures
4) (Dep) ( en una carrera) start5)a) ( solución)b) ( posibilidades)6) (Com, Fin) ( gasto) payment7) ( ocurrencia)este chico tiene cada salida... — this child comes out with the funniest things...
fue una salida que nos hizo reír mucho — his remark o comment had us all in stitches
•* * *1) ( hacia el exterior)( lugar)a) (de edificio, lugar) exitb) ( de tubería) outlet, outflow; ( de circuito) outlet2)a) ( acción)el gobierno les ha negado la salida del país — the government has refused to allow them to leave the country
impedir la salida de divisas — to prevent currency being taken out of o leaving the country
b) ( como distracción)una salida al campo — an outing o a trip to the country
c) (de líquido, gas, electricidad) outputd)3) ( partida)(de tren, avión) departuresalidas nacionales/internacionales — domestic/international departures
4) (Dep) ( en una carrera) start5)a) ( solución)b) ( posibilidades)6) (Com, Fin) ( gasto) payment7) ( ocurrencia)este chico tiene cada salida... — this child comes out with the funniest things...
fue una salida que nos hizo reír mucho — his remark o comment had us all in stitches
•* * *salida11 = departure, egress, exit, outlet, outing, escape route, turnover, work-around [workaround], stock turnover, turnover of stock, flight mission, way out, turn-off.Ex: Apart from its undoubted value in its own right, Sears' provides a valuable model or point of departure for others.
Ex: The reduction of public access and egress to a single point well controlled by electronic or other means goes some way to reduce the loss of books.Ex: A cash desk should be placed by each exit.Ex: Hawthorne gave an uneasy laugh, which was merely the outlet for her disappointment.Ex: The 1st calendar of events included a slide show, a literary afternoon, travel tips, and a picnic and outing.Ex: At present the onus appears to be on individual library directors to develop alternative career paths and escape routes = Por ahora la responsabilidad de desarrollar trayectorias profesionales y vías de escape alternativas parece recaer sobre los directores de la biblioteca en cuestión.Ex: Yet the genuine stockholding bookseller is committed to holding good stocks of books for the customers' benefit which means that he does not aim simply at buying in the books with the quickest turnover.Ex: Obviously, the work-around is to cut-and-paste this into the end of the document, but why did this happen in the first place?.Ex: The booksellers in the sample 'turned over their stocks on average about four times a year' though rates of stock turnover varied widely.Ex: ' Turnover of stock' is, then, an important part of successful and lively bookselling.Ex: The collection is composed of more than 400,000 prints and negatives from photographs taken during 1,258 separate flight missions, most of which were flown over California.Ex: She racked her brains for a way out but could not find anything successful.Ex: There's a great gas station and convenience store at the turn-off.* a la salida = on the way out.* asesor de salidas profesionales = career(s) adviser.* bandera de salida, la = checkered flag, the.* callejón sin salida = blind alley, catch 22, cul-de-sac, dead end, impasse, dead end street, deadlock, standoff.* caudal de salida = flow rate.* con salida al mercado = due out.* consejero sobre salidas profesionales = career advisor, career counsellor.* control de salida = exit barrier.* dar el pistoletazo de salida = fire + the starting gun.* dar salida a = vent.* de salida = outgoing.* disco de salida = output diskette.* dispositivo de salida = output equipment.* encontrar la salida a = find + a/the way out of.* encontrar una salida a = find + a/the way out of.* entradas y salidas = comings and goings.* estrategia de salida = exit strategy.* fecha de salida = departure date.* fichero de salida = outgoing file.* fichero de salida de datos = communication output file.* hora de salida = departure time, check-out time.* información sobre salidas profesionales = career(s) information.* la mejor salida = the best way forward.* libro de registro de entrada y salida de cartas = letterbook [letter book].* no tener salida = be stuck, get + stuck.* orientación sobre salidas profesionales = career guidance.* parrilla de salida = starting grid.* pasillo de salida = exit lane.* pistoletazo de salida = starting signal, starting gun.* precio de salida = starting price.* primera posición de salida = pole start, pole position.* puerta de salida = exit door.* registro de salida de cartas = outward letterbook.* salida de aire = venting.* salida de artistas = stage door.* salida de datos = output.* salida de emergencia = emergency exit.* salida de humos = flue.* salida de incendios = fire exit.* salida de lectores = public exit.* salida del sol = sunrise.* salida del sol, la = rising of the sun, the.* salida en falso = false start.* salida lateral = side entrance.* salida nula = false start.* salida profesional = career opportunity, career path, career pattern, career option.* salidas profesionales = careers guidance, career development, career planning, careers education, employability, job opportunities.* sin salida al mar = land-bound [landbound], land-locked [landlocked].* sistema de control de la salida = exit control system.* sondeo hecho a la salida = exit survey.* tacos de salida = starting blocks.* válvula de salida = outlet valve.* vía de salida = exit lane.salida22 = witticism, witty remark, witty remark, quip.Ex: It uses humor rather than witticisms, and self-deprecation rather than deprecation of the professional field.
Ex: Youll never be short on a witty remark with a database of almost 180000 jokes.Ex: Youll never be short on a witty remark with a database of almost 180000 jokes.Ex: His genius is sometimes most evident in his quips.* * *A (lugar)1 (de un edificio, lugar) exit[ S ] salida exitdimos mil vueltas buscando la salida we went round and round looking for the way out o the exittodas las salidas de Bilbao all the roads out of BilbaoBolivia no tiene salida al mar Bolivia has no access to the seaes una calle sin salida it's a dead end2 (de una tubería) outlet, outflow; (de un circuito) outlet3 ( Inf) tbsalida del sistema logoff, logoutCompuestos:(en un teatro) stage door; (en una sala de conciertos) artists' entrance● salida de emergencia/incendiosemergency/fire exitB1(acción): me lo encontré a la salida I met him on the way out, I met him as I was leavingquedamos en encontrarnos a la salida del concierto we arranged to meet at the end of o after the concertacelera a la salida de la curva accelerate (as you come) out of the curveel gobierno les ha negado la salida del país the government has refused to allow them to leave the countryimpedir la salida de divisas to prevent currency being taken out of o leaving the countryestaban esperando la salida de la novia they were waiting for the bride to appearla salida del primer toro the entry of the first bull2(como distracción): es su primera salida desde que la operaron it's the first time she's been out since her operationuna salida a la ópera an evening at the operauna salida al campo an outing o a trip to the country3 (de un líquido, gas) output; (de un circuito) output4la salida del sol sunriseCompuesto:(para la playa) beach robe; (para la casa) bathrobeA (de un tren, avión) departureLANSA anuncia la salida del vuelo 503 LANSA announces the departure of flight 503el tren efectuará su salida por vía cinco the train will leave from track five[ S ] salidas nacionales/internacionales domestic/international departuresB ( Dep) (en una carrera) startdan la salida con un disparo a gun is fired to start the race o to signal the startCompuestos:false startfalse startA1(solución): no le veo ninguna salida a esta situación I can see no way out of this situationhay que buscar una salida a la crisis económica a solution must be found to the economic crisisvamos a tener que aceptar, no nos queda otra salida we're going to have to accept, we have no option2(posibilidades): la informática, hoy en día, tiene muchas salidas nowadays there are many openings o job opportunities in computingesta prenda no tiene mucha salida this garment doesn't sell very wellentradas y salidas income and expenditure, receipts and outgoings ( BrE)C(ocurrencia): este chico tiene cada salida … this child comes out with the funniest things …fue una salida que nos hizo reír mucho his remark o comment had us all in stitchesCompuesto:fue una salida de tono it was totally out of place, it was a totally inappropriate thing to say/do* * *
salida sustantivo femenino ( hacia el exterior)
◊ salida de emergencia/incendios emergency/fire exit;
todas las salidas de Bilbao all the roads out of Bilbao;
es una calle sin salida it's a dead end
( de circuito) outlet
2a) ( acción):
nos encontramos a la salida del concierto we met at the door after the concert;
una salida al campo an outing o a trip to the country
( partida)
1 (de tren, avión) departure;
( on signs) salidas nacionales/internacionales domestic/international departures
2 (Dep) ( en una carrera) start
1 ( solución):
no nos queda otra salida we have no other option
2 (Com, Fin) ( gasto) payment
salido,-a adjetivo
1 (saliente, prominente) projecting
(frente, pómulos, etc) prominent
(ojos) bulging
familiar sticky-out
2 fam pey (cachondo) horny, randy
salida sustantivo femenino
1 (lugar por donde se sale) exit, way out: nos pasamos diez minutos buscando la salida, we spent ten minutes looking for the way out
este carril tiene salida a la autopista, this lane leads onto the motorway
callejón sin salida, dead end
(de una tubería, desagüe) outlet, outflow
Inform output
2 (acción de salir) leaving
a la salida del trabajo, on leaving work
(de un tren, un avión) departure
(del Sol, de la Luna, etc) rising
salida del sol, sunrise
(viaje corto, excursión) trip
una salida al campo, an outing to the country
3 Dep start
dar la salida, to give the signal to start
línea de salida, starting line
4 (solución) option, solution: este problema no tiene salida, there's no solution to this problem
5 Lab prospect: la filosofía no tiene muchas salidas, there aren't many job opportunities in philosophy
6 (cese de una actividad) el próximo año se producirá mi salida del cargo, I'll be leaving the post next year
7 fig (agudeza, ocurrencia) witty remark
8 (comentario inapropiado) salida de tono, inappropriate remark
9 (puesta en venta, lanzamiento de un producto) la salida del nuevo periódico se producirá el lunes, the new newspaper will be launched onto the market next Monday
10 Fin (gasto) hemos tenido demasiadas salidas en concepto de compra de materiales, purchase of materials has led to an unacceptable increase in spending
' salida' also found in these entries:
- callejón
- dirigir
- efectuar
- emergencia
- empujar
- escape
- escorrentía
- expectante
- fichar
- forzuda
- forzudo
- panel
- prever
- punto
- retardar
- taponar
- bloquear
- cortada
- desvío
- escapatoria
- excursión
- lateral
- línea
- obstruir
- partida
- retrasar
- tapar
- ver
blind alley
- checkout
- clock off
- clock out
- crowd
- cul-de-sac
- dead end
- departure
- exit
- false start
- fight
- fire exit
- hasty
- off
- out
- outlet
- output
- rise
- rising
- sailing
- seal off
- stampede
- start
- starter
- starting block
- starting line
- starting post
- starting price
- sunrise
- sunup
- takeoff
- turn off
- way
- wisecrack
- block
- catch
- curtain
- dead
- emergency
- false
- flotation
- flying
- land
- mark
- quip
- ramp
- release
- rush
- stand
- starting
* * *salida nf1. [partida, marcha] departure;tenían prevista la salida al amanecer they intended to leave at dawn;el tren con destino a Santiago va a efectuar su salida por la vía 4 the Santiago train is about to depart from platform 4;salidas nacionales/internacionales [en aeropuerto] national/international departures2. [lugar para salir] [de edificio, recinto] exit, way out;[de red de cables, cañerías] outlet;gira en la próxima salida turn off at the next exit;la región no tiene salida al mar the region has no outlet to the sea;salida 20 [en autopista] junction 20;¿dónde está la salida? where's the way out?;salida [en letrero] exit, way out;esta calle no tiene salida this road's a dead end;todas las salidas de Caracas estaban colapsadas traffic was at a standstill on all the roads leading out of Caracas;dar salida a [sentimientos] to vent, to let out;[ideas] to find an outlet for salida de emergencia emergency exit;salida de humos air vent;salida de incendios fire exit3. [en deportes, carreras] start;dar la salida a una carrera to start a racesalida nula false start4. [viaje] trip;una salida al extranjero a trip abroad;hicimos una salida al campo de un día we went out for the day to the country, we went on an outing to the country for a day5. [aparición] [de revista, nuevo modelo, producto] appearance;a la salida del sol at sunrise;su salida a escena fue recibida con aplausos her entry on stage was greeted with applause, she was applauded as she came on stage;Fin salida a bolsa [de empresa] flotationte espero a la salida del cine I'll meet you after the movie7. [solución] way out;es preciso encontrar una salida al problema/a esta situación we need to find a way round the problem/a way out of this situation;si no hay otra salida if there's no alternative8. [ocurrencia] witty remark;[pretexto] excuse;tener salidas to be witty;desde luego tiene cada salida… she certainly comes out with some witty remarkssalida de tono out-of-place remark [posibilidades] market;dar salida a [producto] to find an outlet for;este producto tiene mucha salida [posibilidades de venta] there's a big market for this product;[se vende] this product sells well;este producto no tiene salida [posibilidades de venta] there's no market for this product;[no se vende] this product doesn't sell10.salidas [en contabilidad] outgoings11. Informát output13.salidas [posibilidades laborales] openings, opportunities;carreras con salidas university courses with good job prospectssalida de playa beach robeSALIDA AL MARThe War of the Pacific, fought victoriously by Chile against Peru and Bolivia (1879-1883), was to have a huge influence on the later development of all three countries. The major incentive for turning a territorial dispute into a war was the rich deposits of nitrates (then a vital raw material for the production of fertilizers and explosives) in the Atacama Desert. By acquiring the Atacama, Chile also deprived Bolivia of its only access to the sea at the port of Antofagasta, with inevitably damaging consequences for the future economic and commercial development of the country. Bolivia's desire for a salida al mar (“outlet to the sea”) led it to seek alternative access to the Atlantic, and this was partly behind the outbreak of the horrific Chaco War with Paraguay (1932-1935), though the interest of foreign oil companies in possible oil deposits in the Chaco region was at least as important a factor. Today, Bolivia has adopted the peaceful road of negotiations with Chile to resolve the problem.* * *f2 TRANSP departuretomar la salida start;dar la salida give the starting signal o the off4 COM:tiene salida there’s a market for it;salida a bolsa flotation5 figopportunity, opening;salida profesional career opportunity* * *salida nf1) : exitsalida de emergencia: emergency exit2) : leaving, departure3) solución: way out, solution4) : start (of a race)5) ocurrencia: wisecrack, joke6)salida del sol : sunrise* * *salida n1. (puerta) exit / way out2. (acción de salir) way out3. (acción de irse) departure4. (en una carrera) start5. (excursión) outing6. (viaje) trip7. (solución) solution -
6 ларга
1. LAT Phoca vitulina Linnaeus2. RUS обыкновенный [пёстрый, пятнистый] тюлень m, ларга m3. ENG common [bay, earless, Eastern Atlantic, European sand, fresh-water, hair, harbour, larga, ranger, river, spotted] seal4. DEU (europäischer, gefleckter, gemeiner) Seehund m5. FRA phoque m commun [chien-de-mer, veau-marin], veau m marin -
7 тюлень, обыкновенный
1. LAT Phoca vitulina Linnaeus2. RUS обыкновенный [пёстрый, пятнистый] тюлень m, ларга m3. ENG common [bay, earless, Eastern Atlantic, European sand, fresh-water, hair, harbour, larga, ranger, river, spotted] seal4. DEU (europäischer, gefleckter, gemeiner) Seehund m5. FRA phoque m commun [chien-de-mer, veau-marin], veau m marinDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > тюлень, обыкновенный
8 тюлень, пёстрый
1. LAT Phoca vitulina Linnaeus2. RUS обыкновенный [пёстрый, пятнистый] тюлень m, ларга m3. ENG common [bay, earless, Eastern Atlantic, European sand, fresh-water, hair, harbour, larga, ranger, river, spotted] seal4. DEU (europäischer, gefleckter, gemeiner) Seehund m5. FRA phoque m commun [chien-de-mer, veau-marin], veau m marinDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > тюлень, пёстрый
9 тюлень, пятнистый
1. LAT Phoca vitulina Linnaeus2. RUS обыкновенный [пёстрый, пятнистый] тюлень m, ларга m3. ENG common [bay, earless, Eastern Atlantic, European sand, fresh-water, hair, harbour, larga, ranger, river, spotted] seal4. DEU (europäischer, gefleckter, gemeiner) Seehund m5. FRA phoque m commun [chien-de-mer, veau-marin], veau m marinDICTIONARY OF ANIMAL NAMES IN FIVE LANGUAGES > тюлень, пятнистый
10 2677
1. LAT Phoca vitulina Linnaeus2. RUS обыкновенный [пёстрый, пятнистый] тюлень m, ларга m3. ENG common [bay, earless, Eastern Atlantic, European sand, fresh-water, hair, harbour, larga, ranger, river, spotted] seal4. DEU (europäischer, gefleckter, gemeiner) Seehund m5. FRA phoque m commun [chien-de-mer, veau-marin], veau m marin
См. также в других словарях:
bay seal — Seal Seal (s[=e]l), n. [OE. sele, AS. seolh; akin to OHG. selah, Dan. s[ae]l, Sw. sj[ a]l, Icel. selr.] (Zo[ o]l.) Any aquatic carnivorous mammal of the families {Phocid[ae]} and {Otariid[ae]}. [1913 Webster] Note: Seals inhabit seacoasts, and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bay seal — paprastasis ruonis statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Phoca vitulina angl. bay seal; common seal; earless seal; Eastern Atlantic seal; European sand seal; fresh water seal; hair seal; harbour seal; larga … Žinduolių pavadinimų žodynas
Seal — (s[=e]l), n. [OE. sele, AS. seolh; akin to OHG. selah, Dan. s[ae]l, Sw. sj[ a]l, Icel. selr.] (Zo[ o]l.) Any aquatic carnivorous mammal of the families {Phocid[ae]} and {Otariid[ae]}. [1913 Webster] Note: Seals inhabit seacoasts, and are found… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Seal Hotel Sanya Hainan (Sanya) — Seal Hotel Sanya Hainan country: China, city: Sanya (Sanya Bay) Seal Hotel Sanya Hainan Featuring a warm welcome and friendly as well as attentive service, Seal Hotel Sanya is an ideal place to stay in Hainan. Location Boasting a fine location by … International hotels
Bay (horse) — Bay is a hair coat color of horses, characterized by a reddish brown body color with a black mane, tail, ear edges, and lower legs. Bay is one of the most common coat colors in many horse breeds.The black areas of a bay horse s hair coat are… … Wikipedia
Seal Slough — is a narrow winding tidal channel through a tidal marsh in San Mateo and Foster City, California. [ [http://maps.google.com/?sll=37.57083, 122.29306 spn=0.05,0.05 Satellite Photo of Seal Slough in San Mateo and Foster City, California (Seal… … Wikipedia
Seal Bay Cottages (Kaiwarra) — (Seal Bay,Австралия) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: Lot 22, S … Каталог отелей
Seal River — Seal RiverVorlage:Infobox Fluss/GKZ fehlt Lage Manitoba (Kanada) Flusssystem Seal River Abfluss über Seal River → Hudson Bay … Deutsch Wikipedia
Seal Cove — may refer to:* Battle of Seal Cove, a minor naval skirmish west of Lively Island during the 1982 Falklands war * Seal Cove (Conception Bay South), Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada * Seal Cove (Fortune Bay), Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada *… … Wikipedia
Seal Cove, Newfoundland and Labrador — Seal Cove may refer to one of three settlements in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador:* Seal Cove (Fortune Bay), Newfoundland and Labrador * Seal Cove (White Bay), Newfoundland and Labrador * the former settlement of Seal Cove on… … Wikipedia
Seal Rock, Oregon — Seal Rock is an unincorporated coastal community in Lincoln County, Oregon, United States, between Newport and Waldport on U.S. Route 101.The community of Seal Rock is named for the Seal Rocks, a ledge of partially submerged rocks that parallel… … Wikipedia